. .Thank you everyone for a very successful conference !
Full papers due September 1, 2005 CLICK HERE
Special issue of Parallel Computing: ten papers will be selected from the submisssions and the authors invited to expand their papers for publication in a special issue of the journal Parallel Computing (link)
CLICK HERE to see pictures from PCFD05
Parallel CFD 2005 is the 17th in the series of international meetings focusing on parallel computation and fluid dynamics research. It will be held May 24-27, 2005 on the College Park campus of the University of Maryland, minutes from Washington DC, USA.
The conference returns to the USA, after four years abroad (Canary Islands, 2003; Moscow, 2002; Egmond aan Zee, 2001; Trondheim, 2000), where it was last held in 1999 in Williamsburg. Over the span of these seventeen years parallel computers have fulfilled their promise of becoming the dominant form
of large-scale computing and indeed, with the advent of cluster computing, infiltrated small laboratories and even
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Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Industrial and Environmental Engineering
Medical and Biological Applications
Atmospheric and Ocean Modeling
Plasma Dynamics, including Laser Plasmas
Lattice Boltzmann Methods
Design Optimization
Grid/Network Computing
Parallel Algorithms
Multi-scale and Multi-physics
Adaptive Mesh Refinement
Parallel Compiler and Software Development
Software Frameworks
Visualization Parallel CFD 2005 Proceedings will be published by Elsevier/North-Holland. Past conference proceedings available through Barnes and Noble. INVITED SPEAKERS Chris Allen, University of Bristol, UK -- Parallel Simulation of Lifting Rotor Wakes
John Bell, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA -- Parallel Adaptive Low Mach Number Simulation of Turbulent Combustion
Alan Gara, IBM, USA -- The BlueGene/L Supercomputer Architecture with a Look
to the Future
Roland Glowinski, University of Houston, USA -- Domain Embedding Methods for Particulate Flow
William Henshaw, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA -- Solving the Compressible and Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on Moving and Adaptive Overlapping Grids
Stephen Jardin, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA -- Finite Element Calculations of the Magnetohydrodynamics of Magnetic Fusion Devices and Magnetic Reconnection
Steven Orszag, Yale University, USA -- Some Small Ideas on the Large Turbulence Problem
Gerhard Wellein, Erlangen-Nürnberg University, Germany -- Architecture and Performance of Terascale Computers
Anil Deane (Conference Chair), deane@ipst.umd.edu
Institute for Physical Science and Technology, UMCP
Eitan Tadmor, tadmorcscamm.umd.edu
Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling
Jan Sengers, sengers@ipst.umd.edu
Institute for Physical Science and Technology, UMCP